Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jokul's legend

In Tibetan, people believed in there are fairies living on the top of Jokuls. People pray and make wish while facing Jokuls. And I'm interested in the the similarity of the Jokuls and the Tibetan temples, houses, especially the Potala Palace.

Tibetan stone house generally are make of wood beams, wood columns and rafters. With Flat roof, wooden beams, pillars have bright colors together with stone walls supported the structure of the house. And glass windows were designed for effectively use of local full sun. The use of stone conform to the plateau harsh natural condition, agriculture production including , beliefs Lamaism and self-defense needs.

Windows generally are painted around in black  into a trapezoid, which is an imitation of the shape of horns with the role of evil.

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