Thursday, November 11, 2010

merry high-tech to historical

Because of SSAB’s Prelaq Energy the Swedish pavilion’s energy consumption will be lowered by up to 15 percent in 2010 Shanghai Expo. This means the steel is dramatically reducing the need for energy consuming cooling during the hot summer days of Shanghai. Prelaq Energy is a pre-painted sheet steel material that can be used for walls, ceilings and roofs, both on the inside and the outside of a building. The material enables the energy consumption for both heating and cooling to be reduced, and also offers better thermal comfort than traditional pre-painted sheet steel. 

In the development of Prelaq Energy, nature has been a source of inspiration. The qualities of the material can be compared with leaves on trees which act as a heat transfer medium in times of strong solar radiation. Sweco wants the pavilion to reflect the interplay between both nature and the city and the possibilities of this interaction.Prelaq Energy Exterior is based on the incident solar energy being reflected and on the energy that is nevertheless absorbed by the building being later emitted. The thermal properties of the exterior coating are determined principally by the proportion of the solar NIR (NIR = Near Infra Red) radiation that is reflected by the sheet surface. A part of the absorbed solar energy is emitted as IR (infrared) radiation. The material in the walls and the roof can contribute to saving energy for cooling and ventilation, and thereby lead to a reduced impact on the environment.

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