Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rural Water Supply in Tibet

In Tibet, some area like the Shigatse region, the dry season can last seven to eight months and winter weather is extreme. Before the project began the water supply systems in villages were limited. Many villagers relied on polluted surface ponds, often located far from their homes. One or more members of a household (usually women or children) could spend large parts of their day collecting water for drinking and cooking. Often little water was left for bathing, laundering, growing vegetables or providing for the needs of stock. In these conditions the provision of reliable, readily accessible, and adequate supplies of water was a priority.

However, tap stands providing filtered water were built in villages, greatly reducing the distances water needed to be carried. Known as the ‘back-happy’ tap stands, the resting shelf and high tap make lifting and loading water containers much easier and reduce lower back problems.
Water and Primary Health Care for Tibetan Villagers

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